Archive for the ‘Finances’ Category


Labor Day

May 1, 2012

Happy Labor Day everyone! May we reach a day in Israel where we will be able to divide the economic cake as fair as possible among those who deserve it, while protecting and helping the weaker ones in society. May we do this, and also find a sustainable alternative to Economic growth, while still maintaining competition, openness, personal freedom and good responsible public fiscal and monetary finances.

This can only happen if the Economic machine is driven by "the wish to make the world a better place" instead of personal greed. And that has to start on the inside of millions of people in order for society to change.

Let it start with you.


One down, one to go

February 17, 2012

Yesterday I did a test in Inernational Monetary Economy. I think it went well. I knew most of the questions. The only bummer was that all the historic questions were about the Gold Standard of 1880-1914, and Churchill’s failed attempt to go back to it in the 20s, while I had concentrated on studying the European Monetary Union, the ECU, the effects of Germany’s unification on European economy etc… Oh, well.

Now I can concentrate on the test in advanced math I have on the 27th. And then Im free. For this semester.

We were allowed one A4paper ob which we could write whatever we wanted on botg sides. This is page one of the one I prepared.



Worse than I thought

December 29, 2011

Stayed till 2330 yesterday. And had to take a taxi home. Today I take a taxi to work in the morning to be there 0700 so I can finish and be done before the auditor comes.
Really need to review the way this inventory is done. There’s gotta be a better way.


That horrible horrible last day

December 28, 2011

The day that is today is definitely the worst day if the year. It’s the day before the auditor comes to.seenif we did a good job with the stock count. We’ve done good progress during the week, but it all boils down to today. At the end of the day today everything must be done. Last year I had to stay till 22:00. I sure hope I’ll be able to finish earlier than that this time.
This year 30-31st are a weekend, so the auditor comes on the 29th which makes today the last day. It also happens to be my 9th wedding anniversary today. When we got married I did not know that I would be an accountant… Every year, celebrating our anniversary becomes an almost impossible task. But I guess we’ll do somwthing this weekend.
I just can’t wait for today to be over. To have everything done and behind me. Please pray for me today. God bless.



May 31, 2011

The problem of capitalism-socialism is rooted in the dilemma of freedom vrs justice. If you have freedom, you have freedom to oppress and no justice. If you have justice you have imposed justice and no freedom. The reason you can’t have full freedom and full justice at the same time is because men will always behave unjust. The problem is thus rooted in the sinful nature of man.


Business Ethics–Creative Accounting and Enron

December 20, 2010

enronOk, here’s the deal. By the 24th of December I have to hand in a suggestion for the final paper that I need to prepare for my Business Ethics class. The suggestion needs to include:

1) The subject of the paper (Creative accounting and Enron – maybe something about “where’s the limit” in accounting creativity, using Enron as an example, maybe trying to define the moral reasons to the Enron scandal, maybe something about the Arthur Andersen firm and the issue of auditor independence)

2) The research question / assumption (Haven’t decided yet)

3) Chapters of the paper and what will be in each (heeeeeelp!)

4) Bibliography. I must use at least five, of which at least 3 must be written in the last 5 years, and at least 2 must be from a leading professional international business-ethics journal. (I’ve found 2 articles in “Business Ethics Quarterly” that seem relevant: “THE STRUCTURAL ORIGINS OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN
THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION” by Colin Boyd, 2004 and “THE PHILOSOPHY AND RHETORIC OF AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE CONCEPTS” by Sara Ann Reiter and Paul F. Williams, 2004. I also found an article in Harvard Business Review “Why Good Accountants Do Bad Audits” by Max H. Bazerman, George Loewenstein, and Don A. Moore, 2002, and from Business and Society Review “The Ethics Officer as Agent of the Board: Leveraging Ethical Governance Capability in the Post-Enron Corporation” by W. MICHAEL HOFFMAN AND MARK ROWE”.  I am looking for at least 2 more sources – and they must all be from 2006 or later… any ideas?)

5) I need to present the ethical/philosophical theoretical models that I will use. Things I learned in this class. That will be easy. Just reading about the enron case gives me a thousand ideas.

So, now I’m turning to my readers. Who  can help me? No, I’m not asking you to write it for me. But if you have any useful suggestion of how to focus this thing, where to look for more sources and how to go about this. I need to hand in this final suggestion by December 24th, and the paper is to be done by January 28th.

Help me…? Pretty please…?


Just another quick update…

October 19, 2010

Wife updates her blog 4 to 5 times a day. But she can write whatever she wants, because she deals with private stuff all day. I am an accountant. You can’t expect me to write detailed information about the financial situation of my work. You would be bored to death.

Right now I am stealing a blogging minute between the dishes and the studies. Time to continue advancing in the Business Ethics class. It’s new to me… I’ve never taken a class that’s so… philosophic before! What is ethics? Who has ethical responsibility? Etc, etc… it’s not the usual type of studies for a degree in Economy. So it’s a nice change.

Anyway, gotta go and continue the studies. Bye.


Real Life starts tomorrow

October 2, 2010

Holiday season over. Tomorrow, Sunday October 3rd, the 2 big kids are back in school and kindergarten. Which for me means getting up an hour earlier than during the holidays and take them to kindergarten and school before heading off to work. It also means that my studies start too. This semester I’m taking “Business Ethics” and “Economic History of Israel” – basically a practical implementation of all the macro-economic classes I’ve taken before. Just need to refresh my memory on how the BNP, public demand, fiscal and monetary policy, interest rate, foreign exchange rate, investment, accumulated market capital and economic growth affect one another. I think it’s a little something like this – but this flowchart is only in Hebrew and Swedish:


In addition to that there’s the “Business Ethics” class too. basically a class that tries to make me forget all the presumptions of theoretical economy I’ve ever learned (that everyone are selfish and that it’s a good thing).

Add on that a class that my work is sending me to – salary accountancy – once a week in the evenings, and I have my hands full until I’m done with these classes in February. Basically, I’ll be planning my days like this:

6 – 7 get up, feed kids, get dressed

7 – 8 take kids to kindergarten and school

8 – 9 bus to work

9 – 17 work

17 – 18 bus home

18 – 20:30 dinner with wife, get kids in bed, do dishes, etc

20:30 – 21 – Blog and facebook

21 – 23 Study

23 – 00 Get things in order, shower, pray and read Bible, go to bed

This is of course only Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Mondays I have salary class 16:30 – 21:00 and on Thursday I’ll be doing the weekly shopping for a few hours. Shopping is boring. The only way I survive is by using my mp3player listening to sermons by Leonard Ravenhill, Paul Washer, Spurgeon, Voddie Baucham, Tim Conway, Matt Haney etc. Friday I’m home cleaning the house in the morning while wife cooks for Shabbat. Shabbat is reserved for congregation and family, and the on Saturday evening, once Shabbat is over, I can study again. So I have 4 evenings of studying for 2 hours in a week. That makes 8 hours of studies a week. It should be enough. Plus I’m usually studying when I’m on the bus, unless I’m too exhausted.

However, tomorrow I’ll have to shop anyway, because after these holidays we’re out of almost everything… and the semester officially starts only on the 17th, so maybe I don’t need to start just yet…


Capitalism and Socialism

October 1, 2010

capitalism-1 Why is socialism a swear word in the States? It’s silly! Socialism-Capitalism is a scale of politic views on the degree of government involvement to close society gaps. An extreme capitalism is Somalia – no government at all. An extreme Socialism is not practically possible, but basically something more extreme than communism where everyone earn exactly the same without depending on how much they’ve worked. When the worker can earn good money by doing nothing, he will work less, and where the investor will be heavily taxed he will invest less. Thus socialism is bad for economic growth. Basically, the more equally you try to cut the cake, the smaller the cake becomes. However, no, or very little, socialism creates a society where the rich oppress the poor. Basically what we had in the 19th century before democracy kicked in.

Some degree of Socialism is always needed to:

A) Provide the public goods that can’t be provided by anyone else because it has to be for free by definition (police, army, roads, courts of law, public parks),
B) Get involved where the “invisible hand” fails. Where the market forces can’t achieve full parretto efficiency (natural monopolies, external negative effects, etc) and prevent tendencies to abuse of power by corporations that are achieved due to economies of scale.
C) Prevent inflation and unemployment by fiscal and monetary policies (After the depression of 1929, J.M. Keynes proved that only a government has the power to prevent unemployment through correct fiscal and monetary means – the invisible hand doesn’t work at those macroeconomic levels).
D) Provide services that morally should be given to all citizens (education and health care – yes Americans you heard me).
E) Make sure that people who can’t provide for themselves will be taken care of.

In order to do all this, the government has to charge taxes – which will bring a negative impact on the market. When the seller and the buyer see different prices – even if theoretically the buyer gets all of the taxes as a cash present from the government – welfare is lost. Government involvement – any government involvement – will have a negative impact on the economic growth of a country. On the other hand, no government involvement will bring a society where the rich oppress the poor, as we had in the 19th century with 12-hour working days in slavery conditions in the factories.

The question, around which those who call themselves capitalists and those who call themselves socialists are divided is:

A) How much public goods should the citizens get for free?
B) How much should the government legislate over the corporations and when does it need to prevent and forbid unethical behavior, cartel formations and abuse of power?
C) Should the government be involved in setting a foreign currency rate or not? Should it employ fiscal policy that ensures employment but cause inflation, or should it prevent inflation by increasing unemployment? To what price should the government fight unemployment? Should the fiscal policy allow large ongoing public deficits or not?
D) What services must morally be given to everyone? Is it ok that people that refuse to work starve in the streets? Are everyone who starve in the street just “lazy”? Should prisoners get better health care from tax payers money than working citizens that can’t afford health care? Should high education be free, or should only rich people be allowed to study, thus increasing the gaps of the society? How much education and how much health care should the state provide? School books? Expensive transplants? Ok, I know, my personal views are starting to shine through here…
E) Who can’t work and who can? Is there a way to determine who is incapable of work and who is just lazy? How much should be given to the people that can’t work? Minimum existence needs? More? Less?

These are not easy questions. And any country can be more socialist in one issue, but more capitalistic in another.

By basic point here is this – except some fundamental extremists, everyone agree that some level of socialism is needed, and some level of capitalism is needed. The discussions are around how much.

And yes, if I was American, and economy and welfare would be the only issue at hand, I would probably vote Obama. I’d probably vote against him because of a big variety of other reasons, but if those were the only issues at stake – I think the democrats are better than the republicans.

And then the bigger question – is economic growth desirable? Of course it is – it has to grow faster than the population growth in order to sustain us. But this buy-a-lot-of-crap capitalism? Sure, I know it creates a lot of workplaces – but it also destroys our nature. To what degree is Economic growth desirable and when is it enough? Do we really need the average person to become wealthier and wealthier and buy more and more crap that he doesn’t really need?

And the last point – more free market means more free choices. More government involvement means more state deciding things for you. This is why extreme Socialism – communism – leads to dictatorship.

From tomorrow my blogs will be shorter. I promise.